Level 1
Cave Painting
What is cave painting?
Cave Painting
What is cave painting?
- Basically, cave painting is a prehistoric picture on the interior of a cave. Mostly is a picture of animal and the basic life of the cave man.
- For what I think, it is like a diary of a cave man.
Where can we find cave painting?
- Southern Africa
- Horn of Afirca
- North Africa
- Australia
- Europe
- India
- North America
- South America
- Southeast Asia
- Thailand
- Malaysia
- Gua Tambun
- Gua Kain Hitam
- Gua Kelawar
- Gua Badak
- Gua Sireh
- Bruma
- Indonesia
Different country have different types of cave painting.
**information from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_painting **
When is cave painting created?
- Earlier than 30,000 BCE (Upper Paleolithic) according to radiocarbon dating.
**information from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_painting **
Who created the cave painting?
- Cave man
How does these cave painting been created?
- From dirt or charcoal mixed with spit of animal fat.
**information from http://www.webexhibits.org/pigments/intro/early.html**
Example of cave painting:
Cave of Altamira, near Santander, Spain
Cave Badak, Malaysia
Cave Tambun, Ipoh, Malaysia
Ideation of Level 1
- An adult cave man is drawing some picture on the wall, while a small kid is running awhile.
- The painting on the wall will animate, and can be drag around.
- The information will pop out beside when the user clicks on the stone.
The picture in telecom museum
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